
A Place Where Dreams Are Mandatory

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


About Us

Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat

FatherType is a mindset. It is a way of being based on core principles, values, and morals that we believe are important to help guide and cultivate young men into becoming the best version of themselves, by way of a fathertype mindset.


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Helping people in need

FatherType is a non-profit organization with a vital mission that is 2-fold:

To establish the significance of a fathertype mindset and the leadership role starting within our household.

While creating and establishing the mindset of fathertype being the pinnacle of life, we will arm our young men with the resources and guidance needed in pursuit of their dream. We aim to inspire and guide 100 plus young men on their journey to becoming exceptional men by starting a campaign called “Buying Dreams,” where my family and I hit the streets looking for young men that we feel could benefit from the guidance and support of Fathertype. We will incentivize these young men by offering compensation for their willingness and time to allow us to gather more detailed and descriptive information about their dreams. From there, the mission is to help cultivate the dream. FatherType believes that the most important role in manhood is to help guide and cultivate the dreams of our young men, starting with the dreams that exist in our household first. This is facilitated through engaging discussions, which are then transformed into an innovative series of YouTube mentoring videos titled FatherType, “A Place Where Dreams Are Mandatory!”


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  • Gainioz
  • Gainioz
  • Gainioz
  • Gainioz
  • Gainioz
  • Gainioz
Founder, CEO & Director


I am a passionate father of eight children and a grandfather of two. I made a conscious decision to be the best father I can be with the birth of my firstborn. Through my years of personal experiences in parenting, I have discovered a vital need for more meaningful FatherType relationships. I have cultivated a mindset of FatherType, which is a concept that not only helps fathers become great father, but also helps young men become great men! Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with the public, for the public, and as an entrepreneur. Nevertheless, with all of these experiences and accolades, I appreciate and value parenting the most.

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We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,



We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,

We Change Your Life & World


Ashontee Lovett


Kimarise Purce
