Guided Personal Development

                                                    The FatherType mentorship offers tailored advice and real-world experiences, helping boys navigate challenges, build resilience, and foster a growth mindset essential for adulthood.
                            Positive Role Modeling                            </h4>
                                                    Exposure to dedicated and positive male figures provides boys with tangible examples of responsible, compassionate, and driven manhood, setting a standard for personal conduct and ambition.
                            Strong Community and Support                            </h4>
                                                    The mentorship cultivates a sense of belonging and support, ensuring that as boys grow, they're surrounded by a community that understands, uplifts, and motivates them to pursue their dreams confidently.
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                <h2>what have we done with your help</h2>                    
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                                        FatherType is a mindset. It is a way of being based on core principles, values, and morals that we believe are important to help guide and cultivate young men into becoming the best version of themselves, by way of a fathertype mindset.
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                        About Us 
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                                    Gift an Education… Make a Life Better!                                    </a>
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                                    Contribute for the Make somalians happy- 2022                                    </a>
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                                    Online Donation In The Modern World                                    </a>
                                our goal
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                        1 in
                                            <h3> lived without a father in the home</h3>
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                            BECOME A VOLEENTEER </a>
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            <h2>People Say about us</h2>
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                    d="M5.75 9.40625L6.375 8.78125C6.5 8.625 6.5 8.40625 6.34375 8.25L3.84375 5.8125H14.625C14.8125 5.8125 15 5.65625 15 5.4375V4.5625C15 4.375 14.8125 4.1875 14.625 4.1875H3.84375L6.34375 1.78125C6.5 1.625 6.5 1.40625 6.375 1.25L5.75 0.625C5.59375 0.5 5.375 0.5 5.21875 0.625L1.09375 4.75C0.96875 4.90625 0.96875 5.125 1.09375 5.28125L5.21875 9.40625C5.375 9.53125 5.59375 9.53125 5.75 9.40625Z"
                <svg width="14" height="10" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns="">
                    d="M9.21875 0.625L8.59375 1.25C8.46875 1.40625 8.46875 1.625 8.625 1.78125L11.125 4.1875H0.375C0.15625 4.1875 0 4.375 0 4.5625V5.4375C0 5.65625 0.15625 5.8125 0.375 5.8125H11.125L8.625 8.25C8.46875 8.40625 8.46875 8.625 8.59375 8.78125L9.21875 9.40625C9.375 9.53125 9.59375 9.53125 9.75 9.40625L13.875 5.28125C14 5.125 14 4.90625 13.875 4.75L9.75 0.625C9.59375 0.5 9.375 0.5 9.21875 0.625Z"
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                    d="M271.875 131.5H225V94C225 73.4922 241.406 56.5 262.5 56.5H267.188C274.805 56.5 281.25 50.6406 281.25 42.4375V14.3125C281.25 6.69531 274.805 0.25 267.188 0.25H262.5C210.352 0.25 168.75 42.4375 168.75 94V234.625C168.75 250.445 181.055 262.75 196.875 262.75H271.875C287.109 262.75 300 250.445 300 234.625V159.625C300 144.391 287.109 131.5 271.875 131.5ZM103.125 131.5H56.25V94C56.25 73.4922 72.6562 56.5 93.75 56.5H98.4375C106.055 56.5 112.5 50.6406 112.5 42.4375V14.3125C112.5 6.69531 106.055 0.25 98.4375 0.25H93.75C41.6016 0.25 0 42.4375 0 94V234.625C0 250.445 12.3047 262.75 28.125 262.75H103.125C118.359 262.75 131.25 250.445 131.25 234.625V159.625C131.25 144.391 118.359 131.5 103.125 131.5Z"
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                            d="M21.75 10.9951H18V7.99512C18 6.35449 19.3125 4.99512 21 4.99512H21.375C21.9844 4.99512 22.5 4.52637 22.5 3.87012V1.62012C22.5 1.01074 21.9844 0.495117 21.375 0.495117H21C16.8281 0.495117 13.5 3.87012 13.5 7.99512V19.2451C13.5 20.5107 14.4844 21.4951 15.75 21.4951H21.75C22.9688 21.4951 24 20.5107 24 19.2451V13.2451C24 12.0264 22.9688 10.9951 21.75 10.9951ZM8.25 10.9951H4.5V7.99512C4.5 6.35449 5.8125 4.99512 7.5 4.99512H7.875C8.48438 4.99512 9 4.52637 9 3.87012V1.62012C9 1.01074 8.48438 0.495117 7.875 0.495117H7.5C3.32812 0.495117 0 3.87012 0 7.99512V19.2451C0 20.5107 0.984375 21.4951 2.25 21.4951H8.25C9.46875 21.4951 10.5 20.5107 10.5 19.2451V13.2451C10.5 12.0264 9.46875 10.9951 8.25 10.9951Z"
                            fill="#EB9309" />
                                                    <h4>“ “ I ah4preciate your amazing services and professional staff for
                      all your
                      hard work and
                      creative thinking! It was fun,
                      and I hope to work with you again soon “ “</h4>
                                                                                Rasalina William
                                                    <img src="" alt="">
                        <svg width="24" height="22" viewBox="0 0 24 22" fill="none" xmlns="">
                            d="M21.75 10.9951H18V7.99512C18 6.35449 19.3125 4.99512 21 4.99512H21.375C21.9844 4.99512 22.5 4.52637 22.5 3.87012V1.62012C22.5 1.01074 21.9844 0.495117 21.375 0.495117H21C16.8281 0.495117 13.5 3.87012 13.5 7.99512V19.2451C13.5 20.5107 14.4844 21.4951 15.75 21.4951H21.75C22.9688 21.4951 24 20.5107 24 19.2451V13.2451C24 12.0264 22.9688 10.9951 21.75 10.9951ZM8.25 10.9951H4.5V7.99512C4.5 6.35449 5.8125 4.99512 7.5 4.99512H7.875C8.48438 4.99512 9 4.52637 9 3.87012V1.62012C9 1.01074 8.48438 0.495117 7.875 0.495117H7.5C3.32812 0.495117 0 3.87012 0 7.99512V19.2451C0 20.5107 0.984375 21.4951 2.25 21.4951H8.25C9.46875 21.4951 10.5 20.5107 10.5 19.2451V13.2451C10.5 12.0264 9.46875 10.9951 8.25 10.9951Z"
                            fill="#EB9309" />
                                                    <h4>“ “ I ah4preciate your amazing services and professional staff for
                      all your
                      hard work and
                      creative thinking! It was fun,
                      and I hope to work with you again soon “ “</h4>
                                                                                Dikari Milix
                                                    <img src="" alt="">
                        <svg width="24" height="22" viewBox="0 0 24 22" fill="none" xmlns="">
                            d="M21.75 10.9951H18V7.99512C18 6.35449 19.3125 4.99512 21 4.99512H21.375C21.9844 4.99512 22.5 4.52637 22.5 3.87012V1.62012C22.5 1.01074 21.9844 0.495117 21.375 0.495117H21C16.8281 0.495117 13.5 3.87012 13.5 7.99512V19.2451C13.5 20.5107 14.4844 21.4951 15.75 21.4951H21.75C22.9688 21.4951 24 20.5107 24 19.2451V13.2451C24 12.0264 22.9688 10.9951 21.75 10.9951ZM8.25 10.9951H4.5V7.99512C4.5 6.35449 5.8125 4.99512 7.5 4.99512H7.875C8.48438 4.99512 9 4.52637 9 3.87012V1.62012C9 1.01074 8.48438 0.495117 7.875 0.495117H7.5C3.32812 0.495117 0 3.87012 0 7.99512V19.2451C0 20.5107 0.984375 21.4951 2.25 21.4951H8.25C9.46875 21.4951 10.5 20.5107 10.5 19.2451V13.2451C10.5 12.0264 9.46875 10.9951 8.25 10.9951Z"
                            fill="#EB9309" />
                                                    <h4>“ “ I ah4preciate your amazing services and professional staff for
                      all your
                      hard work and
                      creative thinking! It was fun,
                      and I hope to work with you again soon “ “</h4>
                                                                                Hilari Kindon
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                                        <style>.elementor-widget-text-editor{color:var( --e-global-color-text );font-family:var( --e-global-typography-text-font-family ), Sans-serif;font-weight:var( --e-global-typography-text-font-weight );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap, .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-default .elementor-drop-cap{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );border-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}</style>       
                    <section data-id="69a99bb" data-element_type="section">
                                <h2>Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat</h2>FatherType is a mindset. It is a way of being based on core principles, values, and morals that we believe are important to help guide and cultivate young men into becoming the best version of themselves, by way of a fathertype mindset.</p>                             
            <section data-id="9de94f8" data-element_type="section">
                                <h4>45%</h4>kids need help                              
                                <h4>$140k</h4>raised Now                                
                                        <style>.elementor-widget-text-editor{color:var( --e-global-color-text );font-family:var( --e-global-typography-text-font-family ), Sans-serif;font-weight:var( --e-global-typography-text-font-weight );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap, .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-default .elementor-drop-cap{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );border-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}</style>       
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                                <h2>Helping people in need</h2><p>FatherType is a non-profit organization with a vital mission that is 2-fold:

To establish the significance of a fathertype mindset and the leadership role starting within our household.

While creating and establishing the mindset of fathertype being the pinnacle of life, we will arm our young men with the resources and guidance needed in pursuit of their dream. We aim to inspire and guide 100 plus young men on their journey to becoming exceptional men by starting a campaign called “Buying Dreams,” where my family and I hit the streets looking for young men that we feel could benefit from the guidance and support of Fathertype. We will incentivize these young men by offering compensation for their willingness and time to allow us to gather more detailed and descriptive information about their dreams. From there, the mission is to help cultivate the dream. FatherType believes that the most important role in manhood is to help guide and cultivate the dreams of our young men, starting with the dreams that exist in our household first. This is facilitated through engaging discussions, which are then transformed into an innovative series of YouTube mentoring videos titled FatherType, “A Place Where Dreams Are Mandatory!”


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